The European Green Deal is a high-profile wholesale review of existing EU environmental and sustainability policy, supported by the introduction of new legislation in order to achieve the target of making the EU ‘carbon neutral’ by 2050. It was formally launched in December 2019 and will encompass every sector of EU activity, establishing a new approach to address the effects of climate change.
€1bn of funding has been made available for a Green Deal Horizon 2020 call which covers all areas important to the Green Deal. Funding is targeted at transformative change and goes beyond the provision of grants for technical demonstration.
UK organisations are eligible to participate in and lead proposals. UK participation in successful projects will be funded by the EC for the duration of project regardless of project start and end dates. For more information, see the UKRI webpage on the Green Deal.
For more information, including about support to potential applicants, visit our Horizon 2020 Green Deal page.